It Is Time to Go Solar
By going solar, you'll be saving time, saving money, and most importantly - saving our planet.
Why Go Solar?
Better for the Environment
The most commonly known fact about solar energy is that it represents a clean, green source of energy. Solar power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. There’s nothing about solar power that pollutes mother nature. Solar power doesn’t release any greenhouse gasses, and except for needing a source of clean water to function, it uses absolutely no other resources. Hence, it’s safe and environmentally-friendly. Yet, people are still in doubt why solar energy is good.
Solar power is self-sufficient and installing solar panels on your roof is a safe and easy path to contribute to a sustainable future. Starting on your home is a great way to show you care about the environment.
Cost Cutting
The decrease in the cost of solar panels serves as a great example of why there should be an increase in the use of solar energy. Traditional electricity relies heavily on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Not only are they bad for the environment, but they are also limited resources. This translates into a volatile market, in which energy prices alter throughout the day.
Solar electricity boosts your electricity independence! By investing in a 4kW solar system, which is the most common domestic size, you can easily protect yourself against unpredictable increases in utility prices, and enjoy cheap electricity throughout the entire day – the sun will never increase its rates and it gives you energy security.
Once you have solar panels up on your roof, you’ve technically reached an energy-independent status. Solar battery storage systems can also help store electricity for nightime and rainy days.
Increased Home Value
While some experts say that solar panels can add value to your property, other estate agents believe that solar panels won’t add any value in the immediate future.
Solar panels certainly won’t detract from a property’s value, and may well increase a property’s saleability.
Everybody wants cheaper bills.
Planning and Saving
Generally speaking, the more electricity your home uses, the more solar panels you'll need. Naturally, larger homes typically require larger solar panel systems. The number needed ranges from between three and six panels for a small home with low consumption, all the way up to at least 14 solar panels on the other end of the scale.
That said, the number of solar panels you require will also depend on factors such as:
Your available roof space. Ultimately, the size of your roof will determine how many solar panels can be physically installed.
The efficiency of your solar panels. The more efficient solar panels you choose, the fewer you'll likely need.
How much sunlight your home gets. The less sunlight your home receives, the less efficient your solar panels are and the more you'll require as a result. This is not only affected by climate, but shade caused by trees, buildings or other obstructions around your home. Unfortunately, some properties are just not suitable for solar panels.
Your budget. Your budget may also influence the number of panels you can install. More on solar panel costs below.

How Solar Works?
Put simply, solar panels turn the sun's energy into usable electricity. Solar panels – also known as photovoltaics (PV) – contain electrons, which start moving when hit with direct sunlight. The moving electrons create an electric current, kind of like a stream of electricity, which is then channelled and turned into usable electricity.
The electricity is then sent out of the solar panel through wires, ready to power your gadgets, lights or even your electric vehicle, or it can be sent back to the grid, with suppliers paying you for that energy.
01777 707 555
Unit 1 Trinity Park Industrial Estate
Sloswicke Drive, Retford
DN22 7WQ
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